.solutions Jobs
3D Artist
Graphic Designer
Meme Maker
Sales Person
Student Internship
Visual Creator

Hello, this is Danya Mirzoev, nice to meet you!

I'm looking for a few talented people to join my creative team. We are currently looking for several individual talents:

1) a Blender genius

2) a motion design expert

3) an enthusiast script writing assistant who can actively offer ideas for content development.

If you are interested in any one of these positions, please fill in the following information:

Are you great at using Blender? (1) *
Are you experienced in creating complex compositions in After Effects? (2) *
Do you know how to create quality sound design for a video? (2) *
Do you have experience in writing ideas for viral videos? (3) *
Will you be able to come up with ideas effectively while brainstorming? (3) *
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3D Artist
Do you have experience with creating realistic 3D renders of clothes and jewelry? *
Are you able to create and animate characters? *
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Have you made something physical before? *
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Do you wake up before 8am? *
Are you highly organized? *
Do you live in or near St. Petersburg? *
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I have read and accept the privacy policy.
Do you feel the .solutions aesthetics? *
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Graphic Designer
Do you have experience with Photoshop and or Illustrator? *
Do you know what a vector file is? *
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Would you describe yourself as proactive? *
Are you physically located in St. Petersburg / Moscow? *
Are you typically available between 10am and 10pm? *
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Meme Maker
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Sales Person
Are you physically located in St. Petersburg? *
Do you know how to tie-a-tie? *
Do you have previous fashion retail experience? *
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Do you know how to do fashion illustration? *
Do you know how to do jewelry illustration? *
Do you know how to illustrate mechanisms? (e.g. buckle) *
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Student Internship

We are looking for exceptional student who wants to intern at .solutions for 3 month summer 2024.

You could apply as a graphic designer, video maker, an assistant or any other profession you’d like to master & get a practical experience

Do you live in St. Petersburg? *
Are you committed to completing tasks in a timely manner, to the highest quality possible? *
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Visual Creator
Can you edit videos? *
Can you edit photos? *
Can you create sketches and graphics? *
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Unless you submit a job application, we do not collect any personal information or personally identifiable information. We don't use tracking cookies either. If you decide to submit a job application then the only information we have on you is the data you have submitted yourself as well as your IP address to prevent abuse of our platform. We do not share this information with anyone. We do not sell this information to anyone. We do not use this information for any other purpose than to process your job application. We do not store this information for longer than necessary. If you would like to know what information we have on you, modify said information or have it be deleted, please contact us at data@linus.systems with your inquiry.